Making disciples. Training Generations.
To help people know God as Father, bring true family back to the Church, and create unity amongst the Kingdom.
To offer Presence-driven classes, workshops, and seminars to train believers with the scriptures for the advancement of the Kingdom.
Core Values
Presence Driven
We strive to keep Yahweh at the center of all we do; to worship Him night and day, pursuing Him in spirit and in truth.
(John 4:23-24, Heb. 13:15, Col. 3:16, Heb. 12:28-29, Ps. 1:8, Ex. 3:13-1)
God as Father
We acknowledge Him as Father. We are His children and our identity comes from a place of knowing Him the way He intended.
(1 Chron. 29:11, 1 Cor. 6:18, Jam. 1:7, Matt 7:11, Joh. 10:29)Family
True family is returning to the worldwide Church and with that, our commitment is to compassionately love each other the way Christ loves us with acceptance and understanding.
(Pro. 17:17, Rom. 8:15, Eph. 2:19, Eph. 3:14-15, 1Pet. 1:22, 1Thess. 3:12, Phil. 2:2)Unity
At the center of our belief in Yahweh is the outpouring of a denomination-less network of Christ-centered believers where denominational differences are not forefront but the work of the cross is paramount.
(Philp. 2:2, Gal. 3:28, 1Cor. 13:11, Rom. 15:6, Eph. 4:1-6 and 13, Ps. 133:1, 1Pet. 3:8, 1Cor. 1:10)Five-Fold
We believe the fullness of Church government is upheld in the mandate to incorporate the apostolic, prophetic, teaching, pastoring, and evangelistic callings within the framework of any ministry in order to allow the full depth, width, and height of Kingdom work to commence.
(2Cor. 8:23, 2Tim. 2:15, 2Tim. 3:16-17, 1Cor. 12:28, Eph. 4:11-13, 2Cor. 6:3, Eph. 2:20, Rom. 12:7, Tit. 1:7)Culture of Honor
By showing respect for one and all, our sincerest goal is to empower each individual through grace to accept responsibility for every choice; whether those choices reap positive or negative outcomes. It is during those outcomes we see integrity, character, and discipline take shape.
(Eph. 4:2, 1Pet. 4:8, Rom. 12:10, Eph. 4:32, 1Jh. 3:16, Phil. 1:27, 1Pet. 3:8)Identity
Our personhood, our heart, and our soul is firmly rooted in how Christ sees and knows us. Everything we do is an outpouring of that knowledge. Our mind, will, and emotions belong to Christ.
(Ps. 100:3, Eph. 2:8 and 10, Eph. 1:11, Col. 2:10, 1Cor. 6:17, 1Pet. 2:9, Jh. 15:16, Eph. 3:12, Is. 49:16)Leadership
We believe long-term, effective ministry necessitates developing future leaders with qualities they may already possess, while building the qualities they may not yet have.
(Ps. 133:1, Rom. 12:8, Lk. 22:26, Heb. 13:17, 1Thess. 5:14, Matt. 20:26, Phil. 2:3-4, Pro. 11:14, 1Tim. 4:12, Matt. 5:37, 1Tim. 3:2, Acts 20:28, Ps. 78:72, Pro. 27:23, Is. 40:31, Heb. 13:17)Empowerment
The effective equipping of the Saints to do the work of ministry means seeing or releasing the potential in others and knowing how to delegate authority to enable others to do the same.
(Col. 1:11, Eph. 3:16-17, Ezk. 36:27, 1Tim. 4:17, Eph. 4:12, 1Tim. 1:12, Rom. 12:6, Acts 9:22, Ps. 28:9, 1Cor. 12:11, Ecc. 11:2)Servant-hearted
To serve where you’re needed now so you can serve where you’re called to be later. Return to a Levitical heart and mindset of waiting and attending on the LORD, every day.
(2Tim. 3:16-17, Rom. 12:1, Ps. 37:4, Josh. 22:5, Hab. 12:3, Eph. 4:12, Mk. 9:35, Mk. 10:45, Rom. 12:11, Pro. 4:23, Ps. 25:4-5, Pro. 3:5-6, Rom. 14:17-19, Ps. 25:9)Advancing the Kingdom
At the root of Apostolic ministry is the necessity to mandate God’s Kingdom is always advancing, moving, and working; building, growing, and pioneering.
(2Tim. 3:16, Jh. 15:16, Is. 1:1, 2Tim. 2:15, 1Cor. 4:20, Ps. 145:13, Matt. 10:7-8, Dan. 2:44, Eph. 1: 18-23, Rev. 5:10, Matt. 10:24, Acts 17:11, Mk. 16:20, Eph. 2:20, 1Cor. 3:11, Lk. 10:17, Rev. 21:14)