It’s been said that a leader is someone who motivates others to do things they wouldn’t ordinarily do if left on their own. If we want to know what will win the day in our cause for freedom it will be great leaders leading the charge!
If we look back at the nature and character of our forefathers the thing we find the most is their ability to retain poise in the midst of chaos. They were true gentlemen and scholars and, they lead with civility. Many men study their strategies and tactics, but few today study their daily habits; habits of devotion and self-control.
Until we can understand the necessity of honor, respect, and civility we will never truly be a leader of leaders. Yes we will lead men but we will never command other true leaders. Until we learn authority through humility, we will never rise past the ceiling of a “small group”. People will always cycle in and out. Great leaders are great followers as well. Jesus showed us that the greatest among you will be the servants of all. The apostles knew this principle and they changed their region nation and world.
Those leaders who understand this principle will be thrust up through the ranks and carried on the shoulders of other leaders- nothing will stop their rise!
Just as natural leaders command the respect of men, servant leaders command the respect of other leaders. Great leaders understand this servant leadership principal.
In summary, servant leaders lead leaders who lead men/women! Those who discover this will naturally rise up to be the most prominent figures in a movement.
Some qualities of servant leaders:
1. They forgive others and have empathy
2. They help others when people fail and work on a plan of restoration not punishment
3. They build a natural culture of unity that honors differences and values others perspectives.
4. They foster the transfer of communication from the front line to the command post!
5. They are approachable
6. They put the mission above position and personal agenda
7. They make sacrifice of personal rights to take on more responsibilities
8. They wear multiple hats but are great at delegating
9. They see the need for administration as a framework to build on
10. They help foster the creation of systems that can be easily replicated and duplicated
Also, nothing is beneath them and most importantly they are not competition minded! They are not threatened by others who are strong leaders as well and they don’t think of being replaced as a threat but as a way to move to their next calling. Leaders of leaders succeed by helping others rise to their calling!Again, they are mission minded and DO NOT let personal agenda affect their judgments!
Be brave, be humble... “they (those not of your group) shall know you by your love for one another!!”
Make it a great day!