Until We Understand 

We know He is past/beyond/outside of and creator of time and space and matter but do we truly believe and even remotely understand 

He inhabits our very being, the very space we now inhabit. Do we truly understand He is within us and we/you/I are in Him... literally!?

Can we conceive do we even try to, that He is occupying the same space we do, even as we move about He is within us, our hands and feet are literally His as well? 

You see when our eyes are ever upon Him we realize His also are on us. We begin to become spiritually aware of His habitation, where He becomes us and we become Him! We begin to see and understand the importance of praise and worship. As our praise lifts Him up It not only drives the enemy’s hand from off of us, it sets His hand upon us! All blessings flow to us and then through us! 

We become aware of the victory of Jesus, the cost and price He paid and we see the true power and authority of the name of Jesus!!!!! 

You know all sciences today are learning the reality of dimensionality. The Bible has known this all along, this is not some quirky new age occult theology, this is reality! If you think it’s weird and not worth your time to consider it it’s the devils misleadings, you can sit in your ignorance as those who understand these things begin to rule the world, for better or worse.

We now know there is more “empty” space than matter in the world and in each of us. We now know all matter breaks down to infinity and eventually becomes light! This is not science fiction it’s it’s science fact and it was and is all there in the Bible all along! But you won’t here them say that is so, because the spirit of ungodly antichrist is alive and well today!!

When we embrace the truth of our spiritual life and our true origin and being, that of an eternal being, we become who we really are, we become children of God! We sadly were divided from Him, and now because of Jesus!!!! WE HAVE REUNION WITH THE FATHER! And through Jesus we are all powerful, if you understand what all powerful means, you can’t without spiritual understanding and perspective! 

He who is creator lives within us!! He told me today... “give Me (God) your (Shane) word, your voice, your speech and let My word, My speech fill your lungs, mouth and tongue. Then we can cocreate My kingdom now in the present, manifesting it upon the earth where ever you are just as I (Jesus) did! 

We are not merely “human” family, we are Mankind! Nothing has ever been like us before we were made special and unique! Made in the very image of God! Created to be heirs not just of salvation but heirs of his nature and ability. By “being” Him, Him through us litterally we can be and are redeeming the world we live in, by letting Him live through us!!! 

If you truly knew you were Gods very vehicle, driving Him around, advocating and doing Hid bidding, the creator of the universe and all known and unknown realities, how much would that change your perspective and then your speech and then your actions? How do you think that would change the world? 

So today I challenge you dive deep in God! That deepening of relationship through praise and worship is for the very thing discussed here, for the two of you, you and God, to know and be known by each other in continuously ever deeper and deeper levels of love and union everyday, every moment! 

Love you all, be blessed!
